ESD x Health Education lesson study in collaboration with Japan, Laos, and Nepal
Reporting day: 2022/ 05 / 30 / (Year)(Month)(Day)
Reporter: Sachi Tomokawa
Since 2021, a research team headed by Dr. Tomokawa who serves as director of the JC-GSHR has been involved in a survey research project led by Shinshu University and subsidized by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology. This project includes empirical research aiming at developing teaching materials for ESD and health education in relevant educational facilities such as teacher training institutions in Japan, Laos and Nepal.
In the fiscal year 2021, the research team developed teaching materials, materials for teacher training, and teaching plan for teacher in Japanese and Lao that deal with four topics for contributing to the promotion of ESD and the control of COVID-19. The four themes consist of COVID-19, Comprehensive Sex Education (CSE), Water and sanitation, and Lifestyle-related diseases.
In the development of teaching materials, the team puts importance on the health issues as an entry point for promoting ESD. Through the learning of health issues in Japan and the world, learners are expected to understand the problems of poverty and wealth disparity that are closely related to the health issues, to think what to do, and to take real action for realizing a world where no one will be left behind. In addition, teaching materials are developed with a view to equip learners with the seven abilities and attitudes which are shown in the philosophy of ESD as those necessary for addressing problems in the realization of sustainable society.
The seven abilities and attitudes consist of the following; 1. Ability to think critically, 2. Ability to plan with a vision of the future, 3. Ability to think from many sides and in an integrated way, 4. Communication ability, 5. Ability to work cooperatively with others, 6. Attitude that respects social connection, and 7. Attitude of commitment.
As for the teaching material about COVID-19, it deals with not only prevention education but also other issues such as problems of discrimination and prejudice due to epidemic of communicable diseases, vaccination issues and mental health issues related to prolonged epidemic of communicable diseases.
Regarding CSE, relevant topics such as menstruation education and reproductive life planning are included in the teaching material.
In the teaching material about Water and sanitation, following topics are included; hand-washing as a preventive measure against communicable diseases, planning of awareness-raising activity using the nudge theory to promote hand-washing, and problems of inequality in water resource use.
The theme of Lifestyle-related diseases addresses issues including the double burden of obesity and undernutrition.
The project held online demonstration lessons with undergraduate and graduate students in the faculty of education in Shinshu University, using developed teaching materials in January in 2022.
Online lesson enables productive discussion from diversified viewpoints with the participation of many stakeholders such as professors and students in various fields, such as anthropology, public health, and gender, from Shinshu University, Osaka University and University of the Ryukyus.
From the beginning of the fiscal year 2022, involved researchers have undertaken the development of teaching materials in the languages of Laos and Nepal in collaboration with researchers in each country. Discussions have been conducted between researchers from not only 2 countries (ex. Japan and Laos, Japan, and Nepal) but also the three countries, namely, Japan, Laos and Nepal, so that researchers can improve their understanding on factors to be considered in the development of teaching materials, such as cultural background and social systems in each country.