JC-GSHR members-only study session
Reporting day: 2022/12/05/ (Year)(Month)(Day)
Reporter: Yuko Teshima
Hello everyone!
I am Yuko Teshima, a secretariat of The Japanese Consortium for Global School Health Research (JC-GSHR).
In order to create learning opportunities for the members, JC-GSHR is holding members-only study sessions as in the previous year. This time, I would like to report on the first study session.
We discussed the following topics based on Chapter 1 "General Introduction to Global Health" of "Practical Global Health" published by Japan Association for International Health. (This book is written by Japanese only.)
(1) Good practices of primary health care (PHC) that are prevalent in the regions in which you have been involved.
(2) Communication efforts when entering PHC sites as an outsider.
(3) Contents related to school health.
Eight members attended this meeting, sharing their experiences with other members and learning from each other.
I work in Indonesia, one of the countries where PHC has taken root, for two years as a member of the Japan Overseas Cooperation Volunteers (JOCV) as a nutritionist. When I heard about other participants' PHC efforts in their countries of assignment, I learned that they were not doing so well financially and institutionally, and we discussed the impediments and solutions to these problems.
We plan to continue to hold study sessions on a monthly basis based on the textbook "Practical Global Health”.
If you are interested in learning more about international school health, why don't you join us?
If you are interested, please apply from this page.