JC-GSHR members-only study session
Reporting day: 2023/ 1 / 5 / (Year)(Month)(Day)
Reporter: Haruka Miura
Hello everyone!
I am Haruka Miura, a secretariat of The Japanese Consortium for Global School Health Research (JC-GSHR).
In order to create learning opportunities for the members, JC-GSHR is holding members-only study sessions as in the previous year. This time, I would like to report on the second study session.
We discussed the following topics based on Chapter 2 " Health Policy and Determinants of Health in the field of Global Health” of "Practical Global Health" published by Japan Association for International Health. (This book is written in Japanese only.)
(1) Have you ever experienced a change from global health to primary health?
(2) Sharing experiences regarding UHC and school health during the coronavirus pandemic
This time, four participants shared their experiences with each other. It also allowed for more in-depth discussions on individual topics.
This chapter describes the transition from global health to universal health along with various social transformations.
It's not possible to imagine how to use the framework in the field by only reading about the theory and framework. In this study session, all participants shared examples of making use of the framework in the field and We discussed the good points and any points to keep in mind when using the framework.
Since I myself do not have much experience in the field, this study session is a great opportunity for me to talk with members who have various backgrounds.
We plan to continue to hold study sessions on a monthly basis based on the textbook "Practical Global Health”.
If you are interested in learning more about international school health, why don't you join us?
If you are interested, please apply from this page.