JC-GSHR members-only study session
Reporting day: 2023/ 11/ 27/ (Year)(Month)(Day)
Reporter: Luna Shimabukuro
I am Luna Shimabukuro, a secretariat of The Japanese Consortium for Global School Health Research (JC-GSHR).
JC-GSHR has held annual members-only study sessions to create learning opportunities for the members.
JC-GSHR has held annual members-only study sessions to create learning opportunities for the members. It was decided that the study sessions would continue to be held in FY2023, and I became one of the planning members. This time, we would like to report on the first study session held on November 21.
This year's study sessions will be held once a month, based on the Japanese edition of "Helping Health Workers Learn," a best-selling book that has been translated and published around the world and is required reading for anyone who wants to create healthy communities.
The content covered in this study session was the first part of “Helping Health Workers Learn”. This part described an approach to planning and implementing training for community health workers. We discussed with participants who have experience in working with health and education at home and abroad, their impressions of the content of this part and their experiences related to the following two points.
- About your previous training experience
- About your actual experience as a health worker instructor
It was an opportunity to reflect on the education we have received and to gain new insights and tips on how to improve it.
The next study session will cover the second part of “Helping Health Workers Learn”, and the date will be announced from the mailing list for members as soon as it is determined. Each study session will include a summary of the book's contents by the planning members, so you can participate even if you have not read the book beforehand. If you are interested, please join JC-GSHR.