Sachi Tomokawa (Director)

Associate professor
Department of Sports and Sciences (school health),
Faculty of Education, Shinshu University
Research Field
International school health, ecohealth education, development of health and environmental education curriculum, policy analysis, human development training
Field Experience
2002-2004 JICA (JOCV), Niger, school health
2005-2008 School health research, Lao PDR and Field survery about children's Opisthorchis Viverrini infection
2009-present Manager of International Cooperative Research Project for Development of Ecohealth Education in Lao PDR
2011 JICA short term expert on School Health project in Nepal ( Revising of school health policy and strategy)
2012- present JICA short term expert on School health project in Kenya
2015-2016 Health promotion, prevention of NCD and mental health, WHO head quarter ( School health consultant)
2016 JICA Training program for young leaders
( Maldives, Physical health education) Training coordinator