A report of the two papers on comprehensive sexuality education (CSE)
Reporting day: 2023/05/29 (Year)(Month)(Day)
Reporter: Fumiko Shibuya
My name is Fumiko Shibuya, and I am currently enrolled in the doctoral program at the University of the Ryukyus, Graduate School of Health Sciences, Department of Global Health.
I would like to introduce two papers that have summarized the study findings on comprehensive sexuality education (CSE).
The first paper is the research finding of a qualitative study on comprehensive sexuality education which has conducted in Mataram City, Lombok, Republic of Indonesia.
The second paper is based on the findings of the first paper, which undertook a qualitative systematic review to clarify global issues. Furthermore, the results of the systematic review were integrated as a meta-synthesis to extract common issues globally.
The titles and overview of each paper are as follows.
【First paper】
The process of overcoming conflicts among teachers in the implementation of comprehensive sexuality education at ordinary public senior high schools in Mataram City, Indonesia: a qualitative study
This study aimed to clarify the process of overcoming the conflicts, explore teachers’ recognition and perception related to the implementation of CSE, and to suggest recommendations for promoting CSE in Islamic areas.
This qualitative study combined the methods of focus group discussions (FGDs) and in-depth interviews (IDIs) to explore the conflict among teachers.
Overall, the teachers experienced conflicts in relation to religion, cultural background, and gender inequality in implementing CSE. The teachers accepted diverse backgrounds and provided CSE by collaborating with related educational subjects and external institutions to overcome conflicts.
To provide more specialized education, it would be necessary to advocate a formal policy that might be accepted by diverse societies.
Further research is necessary to apply the findings and recommendations for CSE implementation globally in the contexts of different countries.
Shibuya F, Sari DP, Warnaini C, Rivarti AW, Takeuchi R, Jones-Konneh TEC, delos Reyes C, Kadriyan H, and Kobayashi J. The process of overcoming conflicts among teachers in the implementation of comprehensive sexuality education at ordinary public senior high schools in Mataram City, Indonesia: a qualitative study. Trop Med Health. 2023;51:7.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1186/s41182-023-00495-y
【Second paper】
Teachers’ conflicts in implementing comprehensive sexuality education: a qualitative systematic review and meta-synthesis
Teachers experience conflicts in teaching Comprehensive sexuality education (CSE) due to different cultural and religious backgrounds.
This qualitative systematic review aimed to describe the conflicts experienced by teachers in the implementation of CSE in schools.
Furthermore, this study aimed to identify the causes of conflict among teachers in implementing CSE.
This qualitative systematic review and thematic meta-synthesis highlighted several conflicts among teachers in CSE implementation. Despite the teachers having a perception that sex education should be provided, traditional sex education has not yet transformed to CSE.
The study findings also emphasize the need to identify the teacher’s role in CSE implementation.
The thematic meta-synthesis also strongly reflected the context of Christianity in Europe and Africa; thus, further research on the religious context in other regions is needed.
Shibuya F, Estrada CA, Sari DP, Takeuchi R, Sasaki H, Warnaini C, Kawamitsu S, Kadriyan H, and Kobayashi J. Teachers’ conflicts in implementing comprehensive sexuality education: a qualitative systematic review and meta-synthesis. Trop Med Health. 2023;51:18.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1186/s41182-023-00508-w