Online seminar "School Health in Japan as Seen through the Global COVID-19 Disaster" (speakers)
Reporting day: 2022/08/13/ (Year)(Month)(Day)
Reporter: Elli Sugita
On Friday, July 29, 2022, JC-GSHR members spoke at the "SpringX CHO School: Learn Correctly! Protecting Lives and Livelihoods from Infectious Diseases. Season 2," that was co-hosted by the Center for Infectious Diseases Education and Research (CiDER) at Osaka University, the Knowledge Capital, and the Mirai Kyoso Center at Osaka University.
This is a monthly online seminar via YouTube Live, and the following members of the Consortium spoke at this year's fourth session titled "School Health in Japan as Seen through the Global COVID-19 Disaster."
・Jun Kobayashi: Representative Director of JC-GSHR, Dean and Professor, Graduate School of Health Sciences, University of the Ryukyus, CiDER Collaborative Researcher
・Sachi Tomokawa: Secretary General of JC-GSHR; Associate Professor, Faculty of Education, Shinshu University; CiDER Collaborative Researcher
・Elli Sugita: Secretariat of JC-GSHR, Professor, Graduate School of Human Sciences, Osaka University, CiDER Professor (concurrent position)
The outline is as follows (quoted from the announcement and translated)
The importance of handwashing with soap has been reaffirmed as a measure to prevent the spread of infection due to the COVID-19 pandemic. In this seminar, Dr. Sugita of Osaka University will first introduce international support for handwashing promotion and review the handwashing education that has been provided in Japanese elementary and junior high schools before the COVID-19 pandemic. Next, Dr. Tomokawa of Shinshu University will explain the characteristics of school health in Japan and measures against infectious diseases in schools. What spread during the COVID-19 pandemic was not only infection but also the aspect of social unrest. Dr. Kobayashi of the University of the Ryukyus will discuss how schools can function to protect children from infection and social unrest, and how we can create a resilient post-COVID-19 society.
It's being streamed at this link. Please check it out! (in Japanese only)