JC-GSHR members-only study session; 4th
Reporting day: 2023/ 4 / 6
Reporter: Sachi Fukushima
Hello everyone!
I am Sachi Fukushima, a member of the secretariat of the Japanese Consortium for Global School Health Research (JC-GSHR).
I joined the consortium in July 2022. Fortunately, I was included in the planning members of the study sessions, and I am studying international school health now. I would like to deepen my knowledge and experience through this Consortium.
This time, I would like to report on the 4th study session of the members-only study session held by the JC-GSHR.
This study session is conducted in line with the book "Practical Global Health - Aiming to Improve Practical Skills in the Field -" (This book is written by Japanese only.) published by the Japan Association for International Health. This time was held based on Chapter 3, "Cultural and Social Competencies."
It was held from 12:00 to 13:00 during the lunch break on February 16, and four members participated.
Some of them participated in the study session for the first time, and during the self-introduction, they shared their experiences of their activities and talked about how to play an active role in the field of international school health in the future.
After summarizing the contents, the following themes were discussed.
① It is important to understand multiculturalism and diversity, so what kind of activities can be done at school to deepen their understanding?
②Communication is important in implementing activities. Is there anything you keep in mind to communicate effectively?
③About the gender gap that you learned after entering a different culture
During the discussion, members with experience in Japanese educational institution or overseas activities talked about effective communication methods and things to be aware of in a multicultural environment.
We also discussed the difficulties foreigners living in Japan face in Japan. It became a place to understand multiple cultures.
We plan to hold study sessions once a month based on the textbook "Practical Global Health ".