Training program for Laotian researchers from National University of Laos at Shinshu University
Reporting day:25th March 2024
Reporter : Sachi Tomokawa
From January 28 to February 8, 2024, Associate Professor Sachi Tomokawa of the Faculty of Education, Shinshu University, received a training program for four researchers from the Faculty of Education, National University of Laos. Lao PDR.
This training is part of a five-year project (Project for malaria and neglected parasitic diseases control and elimination using advanced research technique, communication tools and eco-health education) funded by the National Science and Technology Agency for Research Development (AMED) and Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA).
In this project, Associate Professor Tomokawa is in charge of the development of preventive education for Opisthochis Viverrini and Schistosoma mekongi, which are endemic in Laos and a public health problem in the country.
During the training, young Laotian researchers learned the design, implementation, and evaluation of health education research, as well as the development of educational materials and methods of health education for students at teacher training institutions.
Within the training, they visited the attached Nagano Elementary School and the attached Nagano Junior High School, where they observed child health club activities, cleaning, school lunch, health education, etc., and visited the nursing teacher’s (Yogo teacher) room.
They also had a cultural exchange with the students, such as they discussed about the good points of both countries and danced Lao dance together.