School Health Study Tour in Laos, Summer 2023
Reporting day: 2023/10 /6 (Year)(Month)(Day)
Reporter: Rie Takeuchi
The school health study tour in Laos was held from September 6 to September 22, 2023.
Two students from Shinshu University participated in this tour and conducted health checkup activities (height and weight measurement, vision and hearing tests) at elementary and junior high schools in Savannakhet, southern Laos, together with faculty members of the Faculty of Education, the National University of Laos and Japan Overseas Cooperation Volunteers (JOCV) members working in the country.
In Savannakhet, we first trained the students of the Savannakhet Teacher Training College, who would be working with us, on the significance of health checkups and actual measurement methods, and then conducted health checkup activities at elementary and junior high schools.